ControlIinduct Non-Stick Skillet Size: 9.4-in.

ControlIinduct Non-Stick Skillet Size: 9.4-in.Along with everyone else, we love the non-stick features of a coated pan, but not the flaking and loss of non-stick surface that often occurs. (Many argue that it's foolish to buy a quality non-stick pan because the non-stick surface fails long before the rest of the pan wears out.) In our experience, surface damage occurs for only two reasons: (1) using a sharp utensil to stir (easily avoided), and (2) overheating the surface (which seems to happen to everyone from time to time).

If you use an induction cooktop, this pan makes a unique contribution. The magnetic layer, which does the induction heating, loses it's magnetism at higher temperatures, the pan stops heating, and doesn't get any hotter.With an induction stove, you can't heat the pan hot enough to damage the cooking surface. Our pan is now nearly 3 1/2 years old, has been used almost daily, and appears brand new. Food doesn't stick (typical Demeyere quality). But more importantly, despite several inadvertent efforts to overheat the pan, we can confirm that the alloy works... As close to a lifetime coated pan as you can ever hope to come. And like all Demeyere cookware, of superb quality. We've tried all of the well known brands; Demeyere is our favorite, and this pan has a special place in the collection.

I'm not aware of any other product that has this feature. PS: We love our induction stove (Miele); I can't imagine going back to gas, electric coils or glass top coils (all of which we had previously used).The control of heat, evenness of heating, control of time and temperature all give extraordinary cooking control.With experience, everything cooks faster, takes less effort, and tastes better.


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