Fortunately for us middle class working stiffs, other cookware manufactures have picked up on the multiclad concept and have been producing their own versions. Enter Cuisinart's MultiClad Pro line.
This particular item takes all the benefits of multiclad and gives us a reasonably priced alternative. Compared to the All Clad Stainless Steel 12-Inch Fry Pan at a price tag of over $150, you are getting a real bargain here.
This skillet is beautiful, with stunning luster, and solidly constructed. It goes from oven to table with no problems, and looks stunning. The curved lip allows for pouring that resists clinging to the side of the skillet. It's very very easy to maintain. Personally, I hand wash all my high end cookware, so I cannot comment on whether it's dishwasher safe. If you do hand wash (and you should....just sayin'), use Bar Keepers Friend® Cleanser & Polish: 12 OZ and a non abrasive sponge to keep that amazing shine.
I give the product 5 stars, for it's durability, construction, looks, and ease of cleaning. I love this Cuisinart Line and highly recommend it.
Once I learned how to properly heat stainless steel skillets so that the food doesn't stick to them, I've been using Cuisinart Chef's Classic line. The results have been good to very good (especially given the price/quality ratio.) (Hint: search on YouTube "rouxbe how to heat a pan")
This MultiClad Pro skillet is from a different dimension altogether heavier, sturdier, delivering consistently great results every time. Great for browning foods, sauteing meats and poultry, sauces, omlettes, dishes that need to go into the oven, etc. This skillet is especially great for creating a "fond", or caramelized bits of stuck-on food that is used for flavoring your final dish.
Clean up is very easy just put some water into the skillet and heat it up; once it cools a bit, wipe it clean. In extreme cases use "Bar Keeper's Friend" which is available in places like Target. Please note that bleach, ammonia, metal sponges and other abrasives will scratch the surface of your stainless steel fry pan.
In summary, highly recommend!
Buy Cuisinart MultiClad Pro Stainless Open Skillet Now
I have a lot of Cuisinart cookware, when I was looking for a non coated skillet I naturally selected this MultiClad Pro Cuisinart.Have been extremely happy with it.
Read Best Reviews of Cuisinart MultiClad Pro Stainless Open Skillet Here
We had reached the point where we did not like seeing bits of various forms of plastic in our food.We did some research into Stainless skillets and fry pans and decided to take a chance.These really work.So far we have found that we don't need to have the heat set as a high on our glass/ceramic top stove as we did with Teflon and anodized Aluminum pans.Follow the advice of the chefs online, put a little oil in the pan, heat it, place food and cook.Cleanup is simple.Want Cuisinart MultiClad Pro Stainless Open Skillet Discount?
This is a great little pan--just the right size for grilling a single sandwich also very heavy/durable. My first multiclad adn I love it. Cleans up better with Barkeepers Friend than in the dishwasher so I tend to wash by hand.
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