KitchenAid 12-Inch Cast-Iron Chicken Fryer, Garnet

KitchenAid 12-Inch Cast-Iron Chicken Fryer, GarnetLove the color, matches my kitchen, cooks evely and makes great homemade fried chicken.The only drawback is that this is a VERY HEAVY fryer.I am a man and find it heavy....a woman may find it difficult to reach up and take it off a high shelf.Best stored on a lower cabinet where you can easily lift it rather than high up where it will come crashing down on your head.

I guess I should have been more careful, but I didn't realize it would be this fragile. But the first time I used it, and cleaned it up, it had chips (chunks chipped out) on the ridges in the bottom of the pan. Otherwise it appears to work well. I guess time will tell if it was worth the amount of money spent on it.

Buy KitchenAid 12-Inch Cast-Iron Chicken Fryer, Garnet Now


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